Friday, January 23, 2009

Quick Update

Hi everybody! I'm not really being a delinquent blogger--my internet at home is experiencing some difficulties, so I have only brief opportunities at the end of the work day to do personal business on the school computer (shhh!).

We did have an appointment on Tuesday and found out that Benjamin is currently in the breech position, meaning that we need him to turn around SOON!!! If he does not turn on his own in the next week, my doctor will try to turn him by external version on February 3. Obviously, we would prefer for him to turn on his own. If external version is not successful in changing his position, or if he turns back to the breech position before he's born, we may have to have a c-section. This is a big prayer request. I have been giving him pep talks and singing short lines of songs to him ("Turn around, bright eyes...." "One little revolution can turn it all little miracle can pull us through..."). If anyone has any inspirational song suggestions, I'm open to trying them!

Otherwise Benjamin is doing fine and growing strong in there! We have one childbirth class left next week and we're gearing up for labor and delivery in about five weeks! We have had two baby showers and are overwhelmed by the generosity of our friends and family--Benjamin is obviously well loved by many people and the nursery is coming together so nicely. We have one more (a school shower on February 4) and then we can finish up what we need to. Tonight we are packing the hospital bag, installing the carseat, hanging pictures in the nursery, and assembling a glider rocker. Our friends Charles and Meg are sweet to come help us accomplish these tasks.

I hope everyone is doing well. If it seems I am ignoring your emails, please don't take it personally. As soon as our computer is in a useable state, I will respond in full to everyone. Hopefully, this will suffice for now. Much love to all!

Thursday, January 8, 2009


Yesterday I had a fun conversation with one of my kindergarten students. She's an extremely well-mannered little girl and it was very difficult for me to keep a straight face:

"Excuse me, Mrs. B------," she said. "I don't mean to hurt your feelings, but what has happened to you?"
"What do you mean, J---------?" I asked.
"Well, pardon me, but something has happened to your tummy!"
"Well, there's a baby in there," I told her.
Her whole face lit up delightfully and she said, "Well, why didn't you say so?! Congratulations, Mrs. B-----!"

I just thought it was too cute not to share!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Baby Update

We went to the doctor yesterday and he said everything is looking great. Benjamin is about 3.5lbs and is growing right on schedule. His heartbeat was 150bpm. I'm starting to feel a little uncomfortable, but still feel pretty good overall. The fatigue is real, but nothing compared to the first trimester.

We have two baby showers next week and a diaper shower sometime after that. I am looking forward to finishing up our baby shopping and getting the nursery stocked as Benjamin will be in residence before we know it!

We begin childbirth class tomorrow night. Labor and delivery is a scary unknown to me, and I'm hoping the information will give me some idea of what to expect. Yesterday, my doctor told me he delivers 90% of his patients' babies, but told me who the other doctors are who take call for him just in case he's out of town. It made me feel much more confident to know what to expect in that regard.

Now we have only to make a will, file a living will at the hospital, find a pediatrician, and find insurance for me and baby for after delivery. Yikes! Against this list, my remaining weeks of pregnancy seem short!